Saturday, February 22, 2014

Help and donations.

Hi guys! So you want to help write cards to people all across the country too? Awesome! I have TONS of people who would love a card! Keep in mind I won't share your address unless I have your permission! Anyway, if you would like to write someone in need, just contact and put cards as the subject. I will give you rules and info.
Donations are accepted but NOT required! I sent out 20-30 cards this month, and as you know stamps are expensive. If you would like to give stamps that would be AMAZING! You don't need to give a whole book, even just one stamp helps! We also REALLY love stickers! I try to include them in letters to kids. Supplies help a lot too! Please contact for more info, questions, or where to send donations!


  1. So proud of you, Anna! This is such a great ministry! Keep up the good work.

  2. Keep up the good work...looking nice!! :)
