Friday, March 28, 2014

Please go check out caring cartoons for kids and caring cards for rough times on facebook :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Thank you!

Thank you brother and sister Jowers for the donation of stamps! It helps more than you could imagine! May God richly bless you!

Friday, March 7, 2014


If you would like to receive or send cards, please contact remember, we will write to ANYONE!!! Just include name, address, and gender and also why we are sending the card!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Prayers needed!

Prayers for little Jaxson as he goes in tomorrow for tests!!! Cards needed too!

Monday, March 3, 2014


We have soooo many people hurting right now! I am not sure of all the details, but there was a page on FB attacking children who are ill and their moms. Prayers for them! Also, we REALLY need prayers for Malachy and his family!! Please please pray for God to heal that sweet angel and give him peace ❤️

We are on FB!!

Hey guys please go like our FB page! Caring cards for rough times. Thanks!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Easter surprise for hospitalized kids!

Imagine you are a small child in the hospital... You have been there for weeks. You miss your home, your friends, your school, and your normal life. It's almost a Holliday and you are going to be in the hospital for it. Your heart is broken! You want to go home so you can celebrate! Well we may not be able to get a child home, but with your help we can help them celebrate! We are collecting donations of toys, stickers, movies, craft supplies, money, what ever for kids in the hospital for Easter. If you want to donate you can contact me for ideas. If you want to give, we will need it by MARCH 30! We also accept prayers!!! We need lots of those! You can contact me or Denise Rossman Truesdale! Thank you so much!

Thank You!!!

Thank you soooooo much Sis. And Bro. Eisenhart for the donation! You made 20 people happy! May God RICHLY bless you!

Cards for Ethan!

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I'm a little behind, but PLEASE GO CHECK OUT THIS MAN'S PAGE!!! Send him cards and prayers while you are at it! :) Https://